EA’s Public Relations Nightmare

If you’re following the latest and greatest in gaming news then most likely you’ve already heard about EA woes with the launch of the new Star Wars game. EA has come under heavy fire for the latest micro-transactions in the game. I’ve 1st heard about it from a campaign to boycott the game, EA, and Disney for the reason of their recent business practices have been immoral. Here’s the post I stumbled onto on Reddit.

As you can see from above, gamers feel like EA is advocating gambling by having the option to be able to by loot crate for randomize items, but there’s also another catch. To be able to unlock certain iconic members of Star Wars like Darth Vader, it’s estimated you have to put in around 40-60hrs just to unlock one. Or…. You can keep buying loot-crates until you’re lucky enough to get one of them into you’re inventory. Gamers have been applying pressure to EA by cancelling preorders and not only boycott EA, but also Disney. EA responded with this:

It’s important to note that EA is just planning on suspending the micro-transactions, and reinstating them later. Some speculate, once they’ve patch the game so they youth won’t have to spend countless of hours to unlock the heroes they want they will reinstate the micro-transactions. Disney has yet responded to the situation as many fans of the series are requesting that Disney revoke the license that they’ve negotiated with EA.

Final Thoughts: This honestly should have happened way earlier addressing the concerns of micro-transactions to be honest. The majority feels like they aren’t getting the full value of a $60 game when parts of the game are very limited or even locked until obtained for micro-transactions. I personally believe that micro-transactions have no place in full priced games. It should only be practiced on free to play games where a lot of indie developers can make money to fund their future projects. Anything outside of that it just being greedy. EA already dropped at Wall Street, and I hope the trend continues.

My Call of Duty WW2 experience…

Last weekend, I was peered pressure into buying Call of Duty: WW2 because the friends that I game with from time to time was all going to be on it this weekend. So I made the trip to game stop, and picked up my copy. I’m not going to lie, at this point I was still pretty content on playing Battlefield 1, and I haven’t played the last two installments of Call of Duty.

Finally made it home, installed the game, joined a party with some friends then the waiting game started… We didn’t play our first online game until an hour and twenty minutes in matchmaking. Every time we would enter match making either one of us will get kicked from matchmaking, matchmaking would crash and kick you to main title screen. What was most frustrating is that after all that wait and we finally get into a game all of us wasn’t even in the same game. Yes people. We would be in matching making all together then it will split us up to different maps.

And that was my experience with Call of Duty WW2 so far. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to run double xp weekend when the game was still new and have the servers flooded. I had little trouble finding matches by myself, but it just really sucks that at the moment playing with a party is nearly impossible.

PhD Grind: I’m so Extra?? 

Random but important !!

Don’t ever let people make you feel bad for spending time on your notes/making your notes look more etc. Our even something you’re doing in your current endeavors. So many times I’ve had people say ‘that’s a waste of time’ or ‘you’re so extra’ and it just like….. Wtf. 

If spending an extra 2-5 minutes to make your notes look a little organize is going to help you learn them better, or even if it just makes studying tolerable then that’s okay??? Keep doing it!! 

There’s honestly no worse people than the people who will try and make you feel bad about doing something you want to do. 

Success Takes Sacrifices. 

you can’t live the life you have & the life you want at the same time. You have to choose one. You have to change your habits completely.

Decide who it is you want to be, life is going to demand something entirely different for each decision.

Alot of people want to be successful but aren’t willing to give up the good for the great. They don’t want to live average lives, but maintain average habits. They want to work 40 hours a week, but not 80 to live their dreams.

Chasing your dreams isn’t a part time hustle. It’s more like 2 full time jobs. Living a few years, how others won’t- to spend the rest of your life how others dream.

Don’t let people fool you with their words and intentions. Don’t guide yourself by the habits of those who aren’t where you want to be. The road to success is a lonely one. We all have different obstacles to over come, and you need as little distractions in your life as possible.

Yeah…. You’re an abuser.. 

Terrifying someone into submission, you’re an abuser. 

Watching someone cry and telling at them to stop and invalidating their pain and reasons for crying, you’re an abuser. 

Staring at someone with disgust and contempt after they displease you, you’re an abuser. 

Threating someone to take their basic resource away if they don’t give you want you want, you’re a abuser. 

Forcing someone to feel ashamed for not loving up to your personal ideas, you’re a abuser. 

Using slurs,  hateful names,  and insults on someone without any regard to what it does to their mental health, you’re an abuser. 

Forcing someone to pursue unrealistic expectations and make them feel worthless when they don’t achieve it,  you’re an abuser. 

Acting as if someone is a waste of space and blaming them for your shortcomings, you’re an abuser. 

Makeing someone feel like they don’t deserve love, you’re an abuser. 

If you watch someone in pain and thought they deserved it, you’re an abuser. 

If someone can’t accept or love themselves from how badly you have treated them, you’re an abuser. 

How I Fell Back In Love With Metalcore. 

At that strange stage in you’re life. The stage where you’re most likely in High School and worrying about what others may think of you or where you exactly fall in line in perspective as in social groups I’ve lost my way I guess you can say. As a young black teen living in Southern Louisiana, the majority of my ethnic group (around 98%) listened to rap, and that it. My other “close” friends was into country. You was kinda shunned away if you was into metalcore or Rock because you seem “unstable.” And the people that did dressed in all black, I guess you could call them emo or scene kids. Anyways. Me trying to fit in with the “normal” people cause me to steer away from a genre that I loved. I honestly love all genre of music, just as long as I can vibe with it. 

Fast forward the clock, I’m just out here living life. My friend Mendoza that was also in the Army at the time told me to listen to this group that was becoming big called Crown The Empire. He told me go and check out their EP Limitless. And before you know it, I’m downloading the rest of their albums, and checking in on other bands like Memphis May Fire, Bullet for my Valentines, and A Day to Remember. 

It’s funny. It’s funny looking back at things and just thinking. “God. I was such a idiot to deviate from something I liked just worrying about getting judge.” Worrying about something so petty could’ve steer me in the wrong path and I probably missed meeting some pretty cool fucking people. So let’s all take time and revisit stuff you’ve love and you also can fall back in love with it. 

P.S: I know Crown the Empire gets a lot of crap for being a shitty metalcore band, but they’ll still my favorite right now and had been for the past two years 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽

IMO: Being A Dependant Should Be Avoided! 

In my opinion, you should never be content on being a dependent. Before I begin, I know there’s families out there and their current income allow one if them to stay home with the kids. Definitely when they’re aren’t old enough to go school. Daycare fees are a bitch. 

I’m logging in this post to say if you’re capable of being self-sufficient, but choose not, then that’s the wrong answer. I look back at when I was the most “miserable” and it was when I was 18 living on my own. I wasn’t grandfathered into a business or had help from my family.

 My family would absolutely loved to, but they wasn’t in a position to help me out financially and I was a long way from home trying to start my adulthood in a new city, so I couldn’t really sit down and have that great person convo that me and parents had. Anyways, that’s besides the point. I just don’t want you all to think my parents aren’t supportive. They’re fucking awesome. 

Anyways, I realized that I can only live the way I did because of the people around me. My biggest thing was being financially dependent on them. It didn’t matter what roommates I had, I just hate that feeling. “What if Johnny don’t have his share of the rent?” – “Is Daniel going to spend all his money on pot?” – “Can I trust Snuffy on this important task or is he going to mess me over again?” But I think there’s my problem, trust. I just don’t want to rely on anyone to sustain my way of life. 

Battling With The Feeling Of Uncertainty. 

In my mid twenties, you would think I would be use to this feeling of uncertainty. I’ve came a long way, accomplished many tasks, so in my mind I’m thinking I should have the confidence to meet certain deadlines of basic things that are “underneath” of what I did previously. I don’t know. I guess it’s a good thing because it keeps me sharp. It gets me to not get sloppy with my work or whatever I’m trying to accomplish. As they say, pressure can create dust or diamonds. I’m just trying not to break with everything going on right now. 

Recap Of My January 2017

To summarize my experience from January 2017 is “that your goals are so close, but every bump in the road cause it to reach out further.” Every time I get close of getting a 2nd place in New Orleans, something always falls through. When trying to get a promotion, I fell short. As a NCO, I believed I have failed my junior soldiers at times. It has been failure and failure and setback after setback. 

It’s been quite frustrating really, at times I really don’t know what to because of everything going bad at once and I’m just trying to micro manage everything trying to fix everything. Then I have to worry about my job duties after that. 

With all of that being said, January have sucked for me. Hopefully, shit don’t roll down hill and February will be a better month for me. We shall see. 

Reinforced Lessons: Don’t 👏🏽 Let 👏🏽 Nobody 👏🏽 Borrow 👏🏽 Your 👏🏽 Shit 👏🏽 UPDATE 1.0

January hasn’t been kind to me at all 😂 so I went into good year praying that all I had to get done was a alignment. Come to find out my right control arm is bent, so something that I thought was just going to cost $105 is now $621.51 😭😭😭

I guess that’s why I went to college to make the big bucks, but what a inconvenience.